Throughout the course of David Loy's Money Sex War Karma, we as readers are constantly urged to remove ourselves from mind-made patterns of unconsciousness. In order to reach a sense of presence and mindfulness, we must step outside of our daily routine and observe our own actions/reactions in order to realize that we are essentially sleep-walking through our lives. Particularly in the chapter Consciousness Commodified: The Attention-Defecit Society, it is clear that human beings are becoming increasingly detached from the world around us, mainly due to technology. However, it seems as if our institutionalized delusion serves as a driving force of motivation in our lives. We are constantly being baited by a sense of some better future, where happiness lies. While we are trapped in an unconscious state of mind, atleast our false delusions about the future can successfully get us out of bed in the morning. If we are always striving for something that's unattainable, we will always be attempting to improve our lives in some way. Obviously, this is not the ideal way one should live their life.
Unfortunately, the more conscious I am becoming as a person, the less motivation I have to perform even the simplest of tasks. The more I stop and observe the true nature of the world around me, the more frustrated I become about the systems that rule our lives. I am now able to witness my friends and family falling into negative emotional patterns as well as developing materialistic tendencies. In my own life, I am beginning to realize how the educational system fails to provide me with the necessary skills to acheive happiness, because happiness can only be found within. In our world of institutionalized delusion, we attend school so that we can get a better job, which will eventually lead to a fat paycheck. That money is what is supposed to make us happy. Of course, money will never lead to happiness. So what is the point of following this fruitless path?
Julian Bermingham
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